Analisa Pengaruh Kepuasan Gaji, Job Insecurity, Stres Kerja Terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Alfamart Di Kota Tegal
Salary satisfaction, Job Insecurity, Job StressAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of salary satisfaction, job insecurity, and work stress on employee turnover intention at Alfamart. The research method used is quantitative with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The research respondents were employees of Alfamart in the city of Tegal who were randomly selected. The results of the analysis show that salary satisfaction has a significant negative effect on turnover intention, meaning that the higher the salary satisfaction, the lower the level of employee turnover intention. Meanwhile, job insecurity and work stress have a significant positive effect on turnover intention, meaning that the higher the job insecurity and work stress, the higher the employee turnover intention. The implication of this research is that Alfamart management needs to increase employee salary satisfaction and reduce the level of job insecurity and work stress to minimize the level of employee turnover intention. This research can also be a reference for other companies in overcoming the problem of employee turnover intention
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