Pengaruh Motivasi, Reward Dan Punishment Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. King Manufacture Sukoharjo
motivation, , reward, punishment, employee performanceAbstract
This study aims to find out how much influence motivation, reward and punishment on employee performance in PT. King Manufacture Sukoharjo. The population used in this research is Employee King Manufacture Sukoharjo (Departement Computer Numerical Control). The sample in this study were 33 respondents. The data obtained is then analyzed by SPSS.
From the analysis can be obtained the following results: Motivation has a positive effect on employee job performance, Reward has a positive effect on employee job performance.. While Punishment has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction.
Then The test data shows that the value of Adjusted R Square is equal to 90,6 %. While the rest of 9,4% This value means that the level of influence of each independent variable to the dependent variable of 90,6%. While the rest equal to 9,4%. influenced by other variables.
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