ISSN Online : 2656-4440
ISSN Cetak : 2086-3748
Ethics of Scientific Publications Journal of Management Science and Applied Accounting
The Journal of Applied Management and Accounting Science (JIMAT) is published by the Totalwin College of Economics and was first published in April 2010. This journal discusses problems in the economic field, in the form of empirical research results and the concept of selecting scientific reviews which include accounting, management , capital markets, business law, taxation, information systems entrepreneurship and other fields of economics and finance. JIMAT is published twice a year, namely every May and November
This scientific code of ethics statement is a statement of the code of ethics of all parties involved in the publication process of the JIMAT scientific journal, namely the manager, editor, bestari partners and authors. Ethics in publication here is an ethical assessment in publication which includes the following matters:
Justice, namely giving writers the freedom to write articles that will be published. Articles constitute the author's intellectual content without regard to race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political views of the authors.
Neutrality, namely that in carrying out publications there is no conflict of interest between the author and the editor. Authors who submit articles have the right to freedom of results and can use them for sustainable scientific development.
Honesty, that is, the author must present an accurate article based on original research results or an original thought concept with a clear purpose and meaning. Authors must present results honestly and without falsification or manipulation of data. Articles use reliable, original and plagiarism-free reference data.
Writer's Duties
Editor's Duties
Duties of Publishers
Duties of Bestari Partners